Why learn with LGPro
LGPro is Victorian local government's training provider of choice.
LGPro has an intimate understanding of the local government operating environment as the member association for people working in the Victorian local government sector, run by and for the sector.
Years of experience have been built into the high quality and competitively priced professional development programs built for the sector by the organisation most trusted by it. These programs are facilitated by experienced professionals who have worked in or with Victorian local government and understand your organisation.
A long history of quality training delivery and partnering with established, expert trainers and consultants from across Victoria has enabled LGPro to deliver affordable training that harnesses this collective knowledge for your council at the best price.
Whether off-the-shelf or tailored to custom-fit your council, LGPro training offerings are so often recommended based on how well they align with the practical needs of local governments and their staff - and their flexibility to be delivered anywhere in Victoria, in-person or remotely.
Our team has already brought the best of local government experience and private sector training together so that you don’t have to.
Find out more
Want to learn more? Speak with our professional development team directly to find out how we can help with yours or your staff's professional development:
(03) 9268 6400